The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) aims to enrich the quality of life of residents of residential aged care homes who are socially isolated or lonely, and would benefit from a friendly visitor. The CVS also helps to establish links between people living in residential care and their local community.
Some residents of aged care homes don’t have regular contact with relatives or friends from outside the aged care home. Through shared interests and regular visits from our volunteer friends this has been proven to boost the sense of belonging and connectedness.
A community visitor is a volunteer who is matched with a resident of an aged care home and visits them regularly.
How is the visit spent? The time can be spent in a variety of ways such as working on a hobby/activity together, having a cuppa and a chat or if the care recipient is able, they might go on a walk or outing together.
If you would like further information on the Community Visitors Scheme or become a community volunteer please call 9627 3622.